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Spring Bird Walk

Spring Bird Walk - May 11th 2024 - 7:30 am


Orchard Hills Metropolitan Parks and Recreation District 
and Denver Audubon
Invite you to the 24nd Annual


Saturday, May 11, 2024 7:30 am

In our beautiful park, there are many feathered friends to be found.
Meet our special guide, Kate Hogan and her team from
Denver Audubon at the Orchard Hills Park Rock Garden.

Join new and old neighbors of all ages, and enjoy a morning in our beautiful park for a walk focused on our local Birds and Nature.

The early bird may get the worm, and the early birders will enjoy coffee, hot chocolate & doughnuts!

Bring binoculars, a hat, sunscreen, and
lots of curiosity!

For a special treat, stop by the stable after the bird walk and meet the horses and goats.

Cancelled only if pouring rain or snow!